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Project 2

Objectives of Project
• To allow students to undertake a research comparative analysis process on Modern Malaysian architecture practices throughout history through literature review and document analysis and present an appropriate chronological account of the Malaysian architecture based on the understanding gained through the analysis procedure.
• To familiarize students with the activities of culmination and production of a research analysis through assemblage, chronological indices and evaluation of information; composing and organization of study; assembly of illustration and text; design layout composition.
• To introduce visual and critical thinking through learning from precedents with diagramming, and to introduce the basic principles of form, space and order in the architectural design of Modern Malaysian architecture. 

Learning Outcomes
1. Employ appropriate visual and verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, series
and periods.
2. Show the appropriate sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally.
3. Discover the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form.

We were all divided into groups of 8 (maximum) to compile an A4 sized illustrative chronology booklet of Modern Malaysian Architecture that interprets the Modern Malaysian Architectural language and architecture influences to the architectural development of Malaysia in

For my group, we were assigned Menara Dewan Bahasa and Stadium Merdeka. This was a major step up from the critical analysis that we did in project 1. This one demanded a lot more architectural knowledge and extensive research on the buildings assigned. The format of the booklet was also a really important factor that was taken into account as 7 other people were also working on the same project and without the proper guidelines that we had established during the beginning of the project, we would not have been to produce a booklet that followed the same kind of format and design. The workload of the entire project was divided among the group members equally and I did my research on the Architectural Elements of Menara Dewan Bahasa.

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